Have you ever wondered what those chemicals in your household cleaning products are? Or wondered what effects you might suffer living near an oil refinery, a power plant or on a former industrial site? Use the following websites to learn about toxins, household products, and environmental health risks.
UCSF Toxic Matters Website
Toxic Matters is a nontechnical website filled with scientifically verified tips and suggestions for avoiding toxic chemical exposure. The website and downloadable brochure include specific tips on reducing exposure to metals and synthetic chemicals in everyday life—at home, at work, and in the community—and provide links to other sources with more detailed information.
Household Products Database
What's under your kitchen sink, in your garage, in your bathroom, and on the shelves in your laundry room? The NLM Household Products Database helps scientists and consumers learn about ingredients in brand-name products. Learn about what's in these products, about potential health effects, and about safety and handling.
Tox Town
Tox Town, the National Library of Medicine interactive guide to commonly encountered toxic substances, gives an introduction to toxic chemicals and environmental health risks you might encounter in everyday life and in everyday places.