Monday, July 9, 2012

Recognizing the Signs of Stroke

Every minute counts when someone is having a stroke.  Immediate treatment can save people's lives and enhance their chances for successful recovery.  However, you need to recognize the symptoms of a stroke and get to a hospital quickly.  Getting treatment within 60 minutes can prevent disability.
(excerpted from

The following information resources discuss the signs of stroke, ways to help prevent stroke, as well as treatment and recovery:

Knowing the Signs of Stroke
[from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke]

Stroke Signs and Symptoms
[from the UCSF Medical Center]

Stroke Information: Overviews, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, Recovery and more
[from MedlinePlus]

NINDS Stroke Information Page
[from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke]

For further information, contact the UCSF Patient Health Librarian.