Not all information is free and not all of it is online!
The UCSF Patient Health Library subscribes to a number of health and
wellness newsletters that are not otherwise free to the public. Here are
some highlights from recent newsletters.
To see the entire articles, visit the Patient Health Library!
Consumer Reports on Health
Oct 2012
-Is stress making you sick? pp.1-5
-What questions to ask when faced with cancer tests and treatments. pp.6-7
DukeMedicine HealthNews
Sept 2012
-Salt and blood pressure, p.3
Harvard Men's Health Watch
Oct 2012
-Should you skip your PSA test? pp.1,7
-Testosterone testing, pp.4-5
-Soothing heartburn, p.6
Harvard Women's Health Watch
Oct 2012
-5 of the best exercises you'll ever do, pp.1,7
-Bladder training for incontinence, p.2
-Breast cancer screening tests, p.6
-Hormone therapy: a new consensus, p.8
Johns Hopkins Medical Letter: Health After 50
Oct 2012
-Calcium and vitamin D: Behind the headlines, pp.1-2
-Staying safe on the road, pp.4-5
UC Berkeley Wellness Letter
Sept 2012
-HDL "good" cholesterol, pp.1-2
-It's late, turn off that computer! p.3
-Strontium and bone health, p.7