"As we do every year, we have compiled a list of feature stories published over the past year that we think are worth another look. We chose these in-depth articles not only because of their popularity with readers, but also for their potential impact on clinical practice and/or their value as important but under-reported topics." - From the NCI Cancer Bulletin subscription email (subscribe to the NCI Cancer Bulletin).
- Studies Raise Concerns about Partial-Breast Radiation Therapy (January 10)
- Staying Alive: New Technique Grows Normal and Cancer Cells Rapidly (January 24)
- Connecting the Dots: Network Analysis Helps Public Health Researchers Get the Big Picture (February 7)
- Leading Health Organizations Revise Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines (March 20)
- A Conversation with Dr. Bert Vogelstein about Whole-Genome Sequencing to Predict Cancer Risk (April 3)
- A Transfer of Power: Harnessing Patients’ Immune Cells to Treat Their Cancer (May 1)
- Many Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancers Have Chronic Health Problems, Unhealthy Behaviors (June 26)
- A Tough Transition: Cancer Survivorship Plans Slow to Take Hold (June 26)
- To Eat or Not to Eat: With Cancer Therapies, That Is the Question (July 10)
- As Patient
Navigation Expands and Evolves, Nurses Assume Many Roles
(July 24)
- Using New Approach, Scientists Find Evidence for Cancer Stem Cells (August 7)
- Singled Out: Researchers Look to Single Cells for Cancer Insights (September 18)
- Study Urges Caution on Source of Unrelated Donor Stem Cell Transplants (October 30)
- Dietary Intervention for Patients Receiving Chemoradiotherapy for Lung Cancer (November 13)
- Crunching
Numbers: What Cancer Screening Statistics Really Tell Us
(November 27)
- All That Glitters: A Glimpse into the Future of Cancer Screening (November 27)
- Dr. Titia de Lange: Telomere Function and Cancer (December 11)