Here are highlights from recent health and wellness newsletters at the UCSF Patient Health Library. To see the entire articles, visit the Patient Health Library.
Not all information is free and not all of it is online!
Consumer Reports on Health
January 2014
-How to build stronger bones, pp.1,4-5
"Some people need supplements and medications to reduce their risk of breaks, others can protect their bones through tweaks to their diet and exercise routine, and by keeping close tabs on several other conditions that affect bone health."
-How to find a doctor you can trust, p.11
"You're going to have to cobble together information from a variety of sources."
Duke Medicine Health News
January 2014
-Novel anticoagulants have many advantages over Coumadin, but they aren't perfect, pp.1-2
-Risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy, revisited, pp.5-6
"The findings are nuanced, showing that the risks and benefits of HRT differ according to a woman's age and health status."
-Treatments for migraines, p.7
Harvard Health Letter
January 2014
-Easy stretches for aching shoulders, p.4
-Simple steps to get happier and healthier, p.5
Harvard Heart Letter
January 2014
-Answers about aspirin, pp.1,7
-Lower your heart attack and stroke risk with a flu shot, p.3
-Understanding cardiovascular pain, p.5
-Coconut oil: supervillain or superfood? p.7
Harvard Men's Health Watch
January 2014
-Total hip replacement and the older man, pp.1,7
Harvard Women's Health Watch
January 2014
-Ways to preserve youthful skin without cosmetic surgery, pp.1,7
"The first step is to slow the pace of further damage by staying out of the sun and by wearing adequate sun protecting whenever you are outside."
-Why having a pet is good for your health, p.3
-What the Affordable Care Act means for you, p.6
"Under the ACA, you'll now be able to get a number of preventive services without a copay."
Johns Hopkins Medical Letter: Health After 50
January 2014
-Sex after a heart attack, p.5
Mayo Clinic Health Letter
January 2014
-Belching and gas, p.6
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter
January 2014
-Are you getting enough B12 to fight mental decline?, pp.1,3
-Eat right for a strong immune system, p.7
UC Berkeley Wellness Letter
January 2014
-When to be anti-antibiotics, p.3
-Around the world with grains, p.4
-The buzz on electric toothbrushes, p.5
"Replace your toothbrush (or toothbrush head on an electric brush) every three to four months, or sooner if the bristles are frayed."
Special Issue Winter 2014: Guide to lifelong fitness