Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Health Newsletters at the Patient Health Library, April 2014

Here are highlights from recent health and wellness newsletters at the UCSF Patient Health Library.  To see the entire articles, visit the Patient Health Library.

Not all information is free and not all of it is online!

UC Berkeley Wellness Letter

April 2014
-Phosphorus: friend or foe? p.4
-Vitamin E for Alzheimer's? p.5

Mayo Clinic Health Letter

April 2014
-Dizziness, pp.1-3

Johns Hopkins Medical Letter: Health After 50

April 2014
-Skin cream do's and dont's for eczema, p.6

Harvard Women's Health Watch

April 2014
-Should you be tested for dementia? pp.1,7
"Certain tests for dementia don't offer much diagnostic value in general, including general tests for Alzheimer's."
-Is it a food intolerance, allergy or something else? pp.4-5

Harvard Heart Letter

April 2014
-The best heart-healthy workouts for your 60's, 70's and 80's, pp.1,7
-Peripheral artery disease - It's a pain in the leg, p.6
"People with PAD worry that they are hurting themselves when the walk, but research shows that activity is actually very good for you...even if you feel some pain."

Harvard Health Letter

April 2014
-Easy ways to protect your mobility, pp.1,7
-Drug-free options to fight depression, p.3
-Tips for healthy food on the go, p.6

Duke Medicine Health News

April 2014
-It's never too late to get fit, p.3
"Whether going for a short walk several times a gay or starting off each day with an activity class at the senior center, something is always better than nothing."
-New blood pressure treatment guidelines challenged, pp.4-5
-Experimental drug may change the treatment of osteoporosis, p.7