The UCSF Patient Health Library subscribes to over a dozen health and wellness newsletters that are not available for free online. We also have access to all of the online journals the UCSF subscribes to.
Here are highlights from newsletters. To read the articles, look at the online journals or ask a health or medical question, visit the Patient Health Library.
Duke Medicine Health News
September 2014
-With diet and exercise, it's quality, not quantity, that counts, pp.4-5
Johns Hopkins Medical Letter: Health After 50
October 2014
-Are you taking your reflux meds correctly? p.3
-Do you still need a screening mammogram? pp.4-5
Mayo Clinic Health Letter
September 2014
-Controlling diabetes, pp.1-3
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter
September 2014
-Sugar substitutes, pp.4-5
-Reality check on health benefits of resveratrol found in red wine, p.7
Special supplement, September 2014: Best food choices to reduce your cancer risk
UC Berkeley Wellness Letter
October 2014
-DHEA: anti-aging in a bottle? p.4
-Yoga: is hotter better? p.6
Harvard Men's Health Watch
September 2014
-"Joint support" supplements for arthritis, p.3
Harvard Women's Health Watch
September 2014
-Get on your feet: 8 ways to avoid too much sitting, p.3
Nutrition Action Newsletter
September 2014
-What you may not know about breast cancer, pp.1,3-7
-What you need to know about soy, pp.9-11