New Year’s resolutions—they’re easy to make but easier to break. Why is it so hard to make the healthy changes that we know can help us feel better and live longer? And why is it so hard to make them last?
Following are tools that can help you remove the barriers to making good habits a part of your life:
Making Your Resolutions Stick
[Source: American Psychological Association]
How to Create Healthy Habits
[Source: NIH News in Health from the National Institutes of Health ]
Healthy Lifestyles, Healthy Outlook
[Source: UCSF Medical Center]
Behavior Modification Ideas for Weight Management
[Source: UCSF Medical Center]
Passing on Healthy Habits to Your Children
[Source: American Academy of Family Physicians]
Healthy Sleep Tips
[Source: American Academy of Sleep Medicine]
Adopt Good Sleep Habits
[Source: Harvard Medical School]
Healthy living
[Source: MedlinePlus]