Here are highlights from recent health and wellness newsletters at the UCSF Patient Health Library. To see the entire articles, visit the Patient Health Library.
Not all information is free and not all of it is online!
Consumer Reports on Health
May 2014
-How to sharpen your memory now, pp.1,4-5
"The same steps you take to promote your overall health and well-being should help protect your brain as well."
-You can survive allergy season, pp.6-7
-Do drug ads tell the truth? p.9
Harvard Health Letter
May 2014
-5 steps to adapt your home as you age, pp.1,7
-Boost your thinking skills with exercise, p.3
-Relief dos and don'ts for that nagging neck pain, p.4
-Caffeine: how much is too much? p.5
Harvard Heart Letter
May 2014
-Eat more fiber-rich foods to foster heart health, p.3
-When very high cholesterol runs in the family, p.4
"The standard advice...still applies: cut back on foods rich in cholesterol and saturated fat, such as red meat and full-fat dairy products, and eat more vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and fish."
Johns Hopkins Medical Letter: Health After 50
May 2014
-The toll of untreated depression, pp.1-2
-A guide to new prostate cancer tests, pp.4-5
Special spring/summer 2014 issue
-Options for different types of neck pain, pp.1-2
-Improving range of motion in arthritic joins, pp.4-5
-Back spasms, p.6
-Getting the right support when you sleep, p.8
Mayo Clinic Health Letter
May 2014
-Cataract surgery, pp.1-3
UC Berkeley Wellness Letter
May 2014
-Should you still take that multi? pp.1-2
-Clearing the air: Pollutants in the home, p.5
Spring/summer 2014: All about allergies